
Base on the documentation and tricks I have seen to fix/repair stuff in Riak I would suggest the following approach:

   riak-admin [cluster] <action> (if cluster is specified then run the
   action at every node)

and I know most of the commands are designed like that but adding to them for specific actions will help admin to keep things tidy up:

 * riak-admin [cluster] repair-partitions - Instead of listing
   partitions per node via Erlang and running it at every node.
 * riak-admin [cluster] repair-2i - This is already part of riak-admin
   without the cluster level.
 * riak-admin [cluster] aae-cleanup - Stops AAE, deletes anti_entropy
   information and starts AAE, again; if cluster is specified, run it
   at every node.
 * riak-admin [cluster] aae-start | aae-stop - Handy when doing lots of
   hand-off, should be start-aae and stop-aae from the English
   perspective but then from the alphabetical perspective when
   documenting it can be confusing.

I do believe the 5 actions listed should all have a local vs cluster counterpart, don't get me wrong, Erlang is nice (I have plans to do deep Erlang stuff integrated into Riak and RabbitMQ for our application) but from the DevOps perspective, for scripting having each command line possible can save lot of time and avoid mistakes, like, what node am I, etc.



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