To be clear, you're considering a13160da8adeca96d80388cc77cb88ad5301aeaa
the latest?

On Thu, Jun 19, 2014 at 12:36 PM, Matthew Von-Maszewski <>

> Running repair now may have detected damage done to your data long ago.
>  Repair reads every file and tests the CRC on every block in the file.
> Two known issues might have caused the original corruption:
> or
> Also, there is a bug in the 532bb commit that can cause level-0 files to
> be wrongly deleted.  I suggest pulling the latest to get rid of that bug.
> Matthew
> On Jun 19, 2014, at 12:24 PM, Theo Schlossnagle <> wrote:
> I'm using basho/leveldb as of
> commit: 532bb6351e7835e862c8508520780bfc9d0c2b78 (no snappy)
> I have an issue with some small sized database... they claim corruption,
> but when running a repair I have a nonsensical amount of sst's moved into
> "lost"
> Worse, the files moved to "lost" have very very old creation times (in
> months).  The system has been restarted successfully many times in the
> interim, leading to more confusion.
> I'm looking for pointers to get to the bottom of this.  It isn't critical
> thatI recover this data, but it is critical that I don't see this manifest
> when it does matter.
> Before repair:
> 40960   108441.log
> 1       CURRENT
> 0       LOCK
> 3       LOG
> 3       LOG.old
> 92      MANIFEST-108439
> 469     sst_0
> 1       sst_1
> 188185  sst_2
> 4189331 sst_3
> 6343660 sst_4
> 1       sst_5
> 1       sst_6
> After repair:
> 40960   108452.log
> 1       CURRENT
> 0       LOCK
> 3       LOG
> 3       LOG.old
> 28      MANIFEST-108450
> 8221971 lost
> 2362    sst_0
> 1       sst_1
> 188185  sst_2
> 2352071 sst_3
> 1       sst_4
> 1       sst_5
> 1       sst_6
> --
> Theo Schlossnagle
>  _______________________________________________
> riak-users mailing list


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