Hi Riakators,

Here's your regular Recap of what's been happening in the last two weeks.

*Recently answered*

   - John Daily gives a definitive answer
   to whether the riak-erlang-client can see update events
   - Cosmin is pointed in the right direction
   for the use of RiakLinks with POJOs in the Java Client
   - There's an interesting discussion on whether Riak offers a Redis style
   which Alexander clarifies quite well here
   - There are a few great threads
   from a conversation about increasing cluster size in production

*Still open*

   - Roman could use some help understanding node relation on a new cluster
   - Michael has a question about the Erlang client
   that's unanswered
   - Zsolt has a great question about detecting that a strong consistency
   bucket is ready for use
   in the Erlang client

*Event news*

   - Our co-hosting of the New Stack Meetup
   on March 3rd is just around the corner. We'll see you in Seattle then!
   - We have multiple Basho engineers speaking at Erlang Factory
   on 26-27 March
   - We're still planning Meetup events in San Francisco and New York City
   in the next few weeks. Join any of these groups <http://riak.meetup.com/>
   to keep up with the news

*For the weekend*

   - There is a ton of documentation updates
   <https://github.com/basho/basho_docs/commits/master> that are well worth
   a review
   - If you haven't seen these yet, our own Christopher Meiklejohn
   <https://speakerdeck.com/cmeiklejohn> posted some incredible slides
   including an introduction to Riak
   <https://speakerdeck.com/cmeiklejohn/introduction-to-riak> and an
   introduction to webmachine
   that are well worth your time

*Your turn*

   - What did I miss? What are you up to? Sharing is caring and you can
   always share here

Thanks for reading,
*Matt Brender | Developer Advocacy Lead*
Basho Technologies
t: @mjbrender <https://twitter.com/mjbrender>
riak-users mailing list

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