Hi forks,

I created 2 dev nods dev1/ and dev2/. and I change the dev1/etc/riak.conf with 
following settings:
But I still can not access http://localhost:10018/admin. Could you please tell 
me how should I access the riak-control admin panel? Thank you!

listener.http.internal =

riak_control = on

## Authentication mode used for access to the admin panel.
## Default: off
## Acceptable values:
##   - one of: off, userlist
riak_control.auth.mode = userlist

## If riak control's authentication mode (riak_control.auth.mode)
## is set to 'userlist' then this is the list of usernames and
## passwords for access to the admin panel.
## To create users with given names, add entries of the format:
## riak_control.auth.user.USERNAME.password = PASSWORD
## replacing USERNAME with the desired username and PASSWORD with the
## desired password for that user.
## Acceptable values:
##   - text
riak_control.auth.user.admin.password = xxxxxx
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