
I've been using Riak as my main database for a few months, now I've been
experimenting with Riak Search 2.0 and for what I read in your
documentation there is no way to insert a object and tag it in the same
Right now we have an opaque object and we query them through secondary
indexes, this is becoming unbearable.
 What we need is to store an object and tag(
https://github.com/basho/yokozuna/blob/develop/docs/TAGGING.md) it all in
one step.
Our objects consist of erlang dictionaries and it would be a bit expensive
(performance wise) to convert the Dictionary to a list and then to json in
every database related operation.
We are using Riak 2.0.5, Erlang 17.0 and the PB Driver.

Thank you,
riak-users mailing list

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