Bitcask keeps all the *keys* in RAM. That's like an index in database terms.
So even if you have 9Gb of data, you should only have a tiny fraction of
that in keys, in memory.

So you might have some other problem going on there?

Riak uses quite a bit of memory for LevelDB buffers, by default, so maybe
you're seeing something like that?


On Thu, 2 Jul 2015 at 21:55 Anita Wong <> wrote:

> HI,
> I’ve got a problem in using Riak-CS as file storage cluster.
> Now the bitcask folder has 9GB of data in it, and the RAM usage of Riak is
> >8GB.
> Just checked that the bitcask backend will put all the keys into the RAM,
> but how come now I would get this large amount of RAM being used?
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