v. 2.0.4. I think I know what might be causing the wrong. I forgot to add the my custom extractor into riak. Will test it out.



On 09/02/2015 11:36 PM, Alex Moore wrote:
netease mail Hao,

What version of Riak are you using?


On Sep 2, 2015, at 11:26 AM, Fred Dushin <fdus...@basho.com <mailto:fdus...@basho.com>> wrote:

I apologize, I was wrong about the timeouts -- they are configurable, either through the client, or in the advanced config on the Riak server(s).

The timeout gets set in the server here:


This means you can set the timeout in the PB client, as in

    riakc_pb_socket:create_search_index(Pid, Index, Schema,
    [{timeout, Timeout}, ...])

where timeout is in milliseconds (or the atom 'infinity').

cf. http://basho.github.io/riak-erlang-client/

The order of precedence is:

1. client-defined
2. riak config
3. default (45 seconds)


On Sep 2, 2015, at 8:13 AM, Fred Dushin <fdus...@basho.com <mailto:fdus...@basho.com>> wrote:

What is the return value you are getting from rick_pb_socket:create_search_index? If it's ok, then the Solr cores should have been created on all nodes. Otherwise, you should check the logs for timeout messages, e.g.,


If you are getting timeouts, instead of sleeping, you should probably query your cluster for the search index, along the lines of what is done in one of the riak tests, e.g.,


If necessary, you might want to fold over all nodes in your cluster, to ensure the index has been propagated to all nodes, and possibly use the wait_for patterns used in the tests.

Unfortunately, it looks like the internal timeout used to wait for propagation of indexes to all nodes is not configurable -- it defaults to 45 seconds:


I hope that helps,


On Sep 2, 2015, at 6:27 AM, Hao <jusf...@163.com <mailto:jusf...@163.com>> wrote:


What's the maximum seconds to wait after creating an search index and before setting it on the bucket?

On my local machine, I only need to wait 1 second, sometimes I feel I don't need to wait at all, but on a production server which is basically zero traffic, I have to wait about 10 seconds(definitely over 5s) before I can set the index on a bucket.

I am using riakc_pb_socket client. At first I thought something wrong with my function to "create" and "set" the index but then when I split the process, it's fine. So seems it's the interval in between that matters.

I need to know how long is the maximum because I need to restore a lot of buckets and set index on them via a script. I don't care how long it takes but I don't want it to miss any index not being set on the bucket.

The exact error on the console when I set the index on a bucket is

<<"Invalid bucket properties: [{search_index,\n <<\"application_test_player_idx does not exist\">>}]">>



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