On our riak cluster machines, we have a separate disk which stores all the
bitcask data (in /data)

This is so that we can have a (relatively) small disk for the OS, and have
a big disk for /data.

$ df -h / /data
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root        20G   11G  7.9G  57% /
/dev/md3        3.6T  277G  3.1T   9% /data

However, especially more so lately, we see that the /var/lib/riak directory
often becomes very large.

$ pwd
$ du -hcs *
9.3G    anti_entropy
1.1M    kv_vnode
104K    ring
9.3G    total

So we see that the anti_entropy directory takes up 9.3GB (almost half of /).
(Sometimes it balloons to 18GB, almost taking up the disk. We then restart
riak to get the disk usage down.)

I want to move that directory off /.

Here are the steps I want to perform on each node.

   1. Stop riak
   2. Move /data to /riak/data (I will have to change the name of the mount
   3. Move /var/lib/riak/anti_entropy to /riak/anti_entropy
   4. Change the following items in app.config
      - Change {anti_entropy_data_dir, "/var/lib/riak/anti_entropy"},
to {anti_entropy_data_dir,
      - Change {data_root, "/data"} to {data_root, "/riak/data"}
   5. Start riak

I just wanted to confirm that if I move the files and change the config,
riak will simply start up and continue as before.


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