Your first suggestion solves the problem. signed_pb:decode_sign is auto-generated by erlang_protobuffs, and I thought it wanted binary input. However, omitting term_to_binary fixed the error.

~ David.

On 12/7/15 10:44 AM, Jon Meredith wrote:
Does your signed_pb:decode_sign(Msg) function expect the binary to be in external term format? I would guess you probably want the direct value there without the term to binary - it should already be a binary.

Is your hook expected to work with allow_mult=true, if so the get_metadata and get_value calls could get badmatch errors if called with siblings.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 1:52 AM David Rogers < <>> wrote:


    I'm using riak {release,"riak","2.1.0","5.10.3",
    "$HOME/src/riak-2.1.1/rel/riak/lib/kernel-2.16.3"} ...}
    on a cluster with 1 Linux 3.16.0-38 and 4 OSX machines.

    I have installed the following pre-commit hook (see end of email) to
    validate protobuf-formatted values whose key should be the
    sha1-hash of
    part of their payload.

         props =

    I attached the failed data element.  I'm using the riak-c-client to

       Although almost everything I've added to the bucket this way has
    worked so far, a few (like the sample I sent) fail, with riak_put
    returning only the unhelpful ERIAK_SERVER_ERROR ("An error was
    from the server").  This happens even though manually running the
    validation works fine.  It is consistently reproducible on this input.

       In my attempt to track down the error, I added a test at the end of
    riak_sync_request (below) that will log all server errors. The only
    problem is that cfg->log_fn is always NULL when riak_log_error is
    called, rather than what I set it to initially with
    riak_config_set_logging!  Gdb can't seem to catch any writes there, so
    maybe cfg gets incompletely copied somewhere?

       Anyway, I can get out the error message from the debugger.

    riak_sync_request (rop_target=rop_target@entry=0x7fffffffe0b0,
         at src/riak.c:81
    81            riak_log_error(cxn, "%.*s\n", (int)msg->len, msg->data);
    (gdb) print msg->data
    $13 = (riak_uint8_t *) 0x670a40

    so the server error shows only that the precommit hook
    (validate_hash:validate/1) crashes.  Again, manually running doesn't
    crash it...


       First, I don't understand why riak-c-client doesn't call the
    I supplied to riak_config_set_logging.  Second, I don't know where to
    look for more details on why the pre-commit hook crashes only when I
    actually try to add this particular key/value. Can anyone spot a
    in its error handling or suggest a way to debug?

    Note: I get slightly more info. when posting from curl,
    $ curl -XPOST$hash -H
    'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' --data-binary @"$hash"
    <html><head><title>500 Internal Server
    Error</title></head><body><h1>Internal Server Error</h1>The server
    encountered an error while processing this request:<br><pre>{error,
    web server</ADDRESS></body></html>

    ~ David M. Rogers

    message sign {
         required bytes  signer  = 1;
         required uint32 dig_alg = 2;
         required bytes  sign    = 3;
         required uint64 ctime   = 4;
         optional uint32 flags   = 5;

         optional bytes  obj     = 10;

    -export([validate/1, ck_hash/2, start/0]).

    -author("David M. Rogers <

    %load_proto() ->
    %    protobuffs_compile:scan_file("signed.proto").

    validate(Object) ->
    riak_object:get_metadata(Object)) of
             true -> Object;
             false -> correct_hash(Object)
         error:Error ->
           {fail, "Invalid Commit: " ++
    binary_to_list(list_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p", [Error])))}

    correct_hash(Object) ->
         Msg = term_to_binary(riak_object:get_value(Object)),
         Hash = binary_to_list(riak_object:key(Object)),
         case ck_hash(Hash, Msg) of
             true  -> Object;
             false -> {fail, "Invalid Commit: Bad hash value."}

    %% Hash : string of 40 hex chars
    %% Msg : protocol buffer sign message (signed.proto)
    %%  returns bool
    ck_hash(Hash, Msg) ->
         Obj = signed_pb:decode_sign(Msg), %% signed and sobject come from
    file naming
         Digest = crypto:hash(sha, element(7,Obj)),
         bin_to_hexstr(Digest) == Hash

    bin_to_hexstr(Bin) ->
           lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [X]) ||
                              X <- binary_to_list(Bin)]).

    hexstr_to_bin(S) ->
           hexstr_to_bin(S, []).
    hexstr_to_bin([], Acc) ->
    hexstr_to_bin([X,Y|T], Acc) ->
           {ok, [V], []} = io_lib:fread("~16u", [X,Y]),
             hexstr_to_bin(T, [V | Acc]).

    start() ->
         Hash = "fc144f6728c994a10309a922d0fd9758b9999cc4",
         {ok, Msg} = file:read_file(Hash),
         Ret = ck_hash(Hash, Msg),
         io:fwrite( "Returned: ~p.~n", [Ret] ).

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