Hi John,

Thanks for the info. I'm very curious to see what's in the haproxy
logs with regard to TCP.
Luke Bakken

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 3:50 PM, John Fanjoy <jfan...@inetu.net> wrote:
> Luke,
> As a test I’ve already increased all timeouts to 5 minutes but the failure 
> occurs within under 1 minute so it doesn’t appear to be timeout related. I 
> change the logs to tcplog tomorrow and let you know if I find anything.
> Thanks
> John Fanjoy
> Systems Engineer
> jfan...@inetu.net
> On 1/13/16, 6:05 PM, "Luke Bakken" <lbak...@basho.com> wrote:
>>haproxy ships with some "short" default timeouts. If CyberDuck is able
>>to upload these files faster than aws-sdk, it may be doing so within
>>the default haproxy timeouts.
>>You can also look at haproxy's log to see if you find any TCP
>>connections that it has closed.
>>Luke Bakken
>>On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 3:02 PM, John Fanjoy <jfan...@inetu.net> wrote:
>>> Luke,
>>> I may be able to do that. The only problem is without haproxy I have no way 
>>> to inject CORS headers which the browser requires, but I may be able to 
>>> write up small nodejs app to get past that and see if it is somehow related 
>>> to haproxy. The fact that these errors are not present when using Cyberduck 
>>> which is also talking to haproxy leads me to believe that’s not the cause, 
>>> but it’s definitely worth testing.
>>> --
>>> John Fanjoy
>>> Systems Engineer
>>> jfan...@inetu.net
>>> On 1/13/16, 5:55 PM, "Luke Bakken" <lbak...@basho.com> wrote:
>>>>John -
>>>>The following error indicates that the connection was unexpectedly
>>>>closed by something outside of Riak while the chunk is uploading:
>>>>Is it possible to remove haproxy to test using the the aws-sdk?
>>>>That is my first thought as to the cause of this issue, especially
>>>>since writing to S3 works with the same code.
>>>>Luke Bakken
>>>>On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 2:46 PM, John Fanjoy <jfan...@inetu.net> wrote:
>>>>> Luke,
>>>>> Yes on both parts. To confirm cyberduck was using multi-part I actually 
>>>>> tailed the console.log while it was uploading the file, and it uploaded 
>>>>> the file in approx. 40 parts. Afterwards the parts were reassembled as 
>>>>> you would expect. The AWS-SDK for javascript has an object called 
>>>>> ManagedUpload which automatically switches to multi-part when the input 
>>>>> is larger than the maxpartsize (default 5mb). I have confirmed that it is 
>>>>> splitting the files up, but so far I’ve only ever seen one part get 
>>>>> successfully uploaded before the others failed at which point it removes 
>>>>> the upload (DELETE call) automatically. I also verified that the 
>>>>> javascript I have in place does work with an actual AWS S3 bucket to rule 
>>>>> out coding issues on my end and the same >400mb file was successfully 
>>>>> uploaded to the bucket I created there without issue.
>>>>> A few things worth mentioning that I missed before. I am running riak-s2 
>>>>> behind haproxy. Haproxy is handling ssl and enabling CORS for browser 
>>>>> based requests. I have tested smaller files (~4-5mb) and GET requests 
>>>>> using the browser client and everything works with my current haproxy 
>>>>> configuration, but the larger files are failing, usually after 1 part is 
>>>>> successfully uploaded. I can also list bucket contents and delete 
>>>>> existing contents. The only feature that is not working appears to be the 
>>>>> multi-part uploads. We are running centOS 7 (kernel version 
>>>>> 3.10.0-327.4.4.el7.x86_64). Please let me know if you have any further 
>>>>> questions.
>>>>> --
>>>>> John Fanjoy
>>>>> Systems Engineer
>>>>> jfan...@inetu.net

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