> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2016 18:24:08 +0100
> From: Eugene Shubin <ev.sh...@gmail.com>
> To: riak-users@lists.basho.com
> Subject: Re: Map after reduce
> Message-ID:
>         <CAD6t9YkEP6tGjr5YDHY=
> rmu_oktkwr52+kdcqhtjcgmdbbd...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Did somebody successfully used trick described here
> <http://cartesianfaith.com/2011/07/27/mapreduce-tips-and-tricks-in-riak/>
> to
> pass reduce results to map phase?
> For me it does not work and looks strange in general.
> 2016-01-13 13:55 GMT+01:00 Eugene Shubin <ev.sh...@gmail.com>:
> > Is it possible to put a map phase in chain of map-reduce job after reduce
> > phase?
> >
> > Any example, would be highly appreciated.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Eugene Shubin
> >
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Hi Eugene,

Passing reduce phase's results to a map phase is mostly useful when you
want to prepare your data for the actual processing.
Here is a piece of my code (node.js) that pulls keys and loads Riak objects
in blocks:

.reduce({"keep" : false, "language" : "erlang", "module" :
"riak_kv_mapreduce", "function" : "reduce_identity"})
.reduce({"keep" : false, "language" : "javascript", "source" :
"function(value, arg) { return value.slice(0, arg.n); }", "arg" : {"n"
: config.objectsPerBatch, "reduce_phase_batch_size" :
config.objectsPerBatch, "do_prereduce" : true}})
.map({"keep" : true, "language" : "javascript", "source" :
"function(o) { return ('true' !=
o.values[0].metadata['X-Riak-Deleted'])?[{key: o.key, data:
JSON.parse(o.values[0].data)}]:[]; }"})
.run(function(err, objects)



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