
I set up a new RiakTS cluster and decided to seed it with the data from my
experimental cluster by following the currently recommended backup
procedure (
and then restoring it using these instructions:

The procedure worked without a hitch and the cluster is up and running, but
when I connect my app servers to the new cluster they give me errors saying
my tables are not activated.

For fun I decided to activate a table (with 'riak-admin bucket-type
activate') thinking the tables might be defined but not activated (which
admittedly seems strange after restoring from backup), but I still got the
same error messages from the appservers saying the table was not activated.

I then tried to recreate the table but got an error saying the table is
already activated. Catch 22.

Two observations:
1) When restoring a RiakTS cluster from backups made according to the
RiakKV procedure, the table definitions appear to be lost.
2) Is it reasonable to be able to use riak-admin to activate a table by
name even if there's no table definition attached to it?

I'm still experimenting, so there's no panic on my end, but I sure would
like to have an idea about how to create reliable backups for RiakTS before
moving on to production use...

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