Hi all,

there are good news about BGMN. The BGMN web site was moved to:
This site is located on a high-performance server. Therefore,
you should be able for reading/download from all over the world.
Of course, Lachlan Cranswick is mirroring this new site.
In addition, this site will be more actual (much more changes)
than the older one. Until now, I have designed a change, and after
one or two days the change has become actual. Now, I myself
post changes to the server, so very close reaction to questions
and news becomes possible.

There was added a beta test suite called EFLECH/INDEX. Indeed,
EFLECH is much older than BGMN. EFLECH is a peak fit program
with integrated intelligent peak search/peak change. So, EFLECH may start
from an empty diagram model, it searches for all peaks automatically.
It uses the fundamental parameters peak shape model of BGMN, too.
This fundamental parameters peak shape model was developed for
and originates from EFLECH. It was only re-used in BGMN. But, in
1991/92 and before, there was no interest in a fundamental parameters peak
search and fitting. So, the program was published no more. EFLECH
supports full statistic error information about result peaks. In 1997,
I have started development of an indexing program INDEX, which should
perform its task using this error information. In the first half of 1998,
triclinic indexing became possible. Since then, INDEX is ready for
distribution/publication, as I feel. INDEX makes no use of triplets/quartets
of reflections (as other programs do). Instead of, it performs a random
search about all possible lattice constants/indexing variants. Therefore,
it needs for a minor count of reflections, only.

Check out and enjoy!

Joerg Bergmann

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