NRC-NIST Postdoctoral Research Associate
                 (Two-year term, $48,500/year)

This position requires a Ph. D. in Material Science/Engineering or Physics
awarded not earlier than five years before the time of application. The
anticipated starting date is July 1, 1999. The position is available in the
Materials Reliability Division, Materials Science and Engineering
Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder,

The main emphasis will be research on the new high-energy x-ray
diffractometer that is being built in the Materials Reliability Division.
The research will focus on studies of strain/stress, texture, and related
physical properties of materials. More information is available on the
following Web page: Applicants should
have experience with computer-interfaced instrumentation and programming,
preferably in UNIX (Linux) and/or LabView environments. Experience in x-ray
or neutron diffraction is essential and an understanding of residual stress
and texture problems is desirable. Job responsibilities include experimental
work, theoretical modeling, measurement analysis, and presentation of
results in professional journals and at conferences. Thus, excellent
communication skills are necessary.

The annual base salary is $48,500.  Fringe benefits are also provided. There
is an additional annual allocation of $5,500 that is earmarked to help
support professional travel, scientific books, incidental research
equipment, and other appropriate expenses relating to the research and
professional activity of an Associate. Costs of relocation and
transportation of household effects to the duty station, within allowances
prescribed by law, will be paid.

Recipients of the postdoctoral fellowship will be chosen by the
Associateship Office of the National Research Council from the application
forms and supporting documentation supplied by candidates. Applications must
be mailed by January 15, 1999. THE FELLOWSHIP IS OPEN TO U.S. CITIZENS ONLY.
More information can be found at the following Web site:

Before submitting the applications, prospective candidates should contact:

     Dale W. Fitting     303-497-3445        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     Davor Balzar        303-497-3006        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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