Lachlan wrote :

>When/if powder programs are CIF friendly, the viewer used
>could be up to the user - i.e., viewing in Q space in 
>programs such as Winplotr.

The current format used in PowBase is diplayed also by
Winplotr (INSTRM=0).

>Initially, it would be nice if authors of the common
>powder data conversion software packages such as 
>ConvX, Powder v2.0, Winfit, PowderX, etc could be
>persuaded to be able to include the ability to import
>and export CIF.  

I would add that the manufacturers too (Rigaku, Philips,
Bruker, etc) should be persuaded to create data in CIF
as output of their powder diffractometers.

But waiting for all that, the Powder CIF future could be
restrained to PDF-3 and IUCr publication stuff.

If I was in charge of building PDF-3 at ICDD, the first
job would have certainly consisted in the programming
of a conversion software. So, if you have it, dear ICDD,
you will promote CIF in distributing it for free (Bill Gates
or Netscape method).


Armel Le Bail

PS - PowBase has now 10 powder patterns, with samples
of all kind (neutron, conventional X-rays, synchrotron
radiation), constant wavelength. A tutorial about how to build
quickly simple databases is available (in french) at : 

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