
Well, at the origin, crystallography databases were
more academic than commercial. Now they may be
considered as more commercial than academic. This
leads to new considerations, since they are in
monopolistic positions. Let us observe how that
monopoly could be broken down on the world market.

In the hypothesis that CSD and ICSD just copy the
atomic coordinates in scientific literature for free
in order to build their databases.

In the hypothesis that libraries in Chinese Universities
have subscribed to the main international journals.

In the hypothesis that 100 laboratories in China
pay for the PDF-2, the CSD, the ICSD and the CRYSTMET
databases (or would have to pay for them, if they could). And
that hypothesis may be under of truth, just look at the picture
showing the number of participant the to recent Kunming 
International workshop at :

Estimating the cost for 10 years for 100 laboratories
buying only PDF-2, approximately :
initial investment : 6000x100 = 600000 US$
each year update : 1000x9x100=900000 US$
(add a bit more for having ICSD, CSD and CRYSTMET too).

Well, 1.500.000 US$ may suffice for reconstituting
the PDF-2, CSD, ICSD, CRYSTMET, all of them,
in China, or in India, maybe.

What do you think ?:-).            


Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

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