Hi there,
I am Xiang Ouyang from Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University.
I am working on powder work as well as single crystal works. Currently
doing/learning more Rietveld Method/SDPD than single crystal.
I had subscribed to rietveld group before and somehow got kicked out (maybe I
forgot to send in my introduction.)

I have a question here:
When selecting new powder diffractometer, if there any special consideration (
type of detector, optics, monochromator etc.) for  an SPDP(Structural
Determination from Powder Data) machine than a rietveld machine?
Say if you are doing rietveld work, you probably have a structural  model for
what you are refining. But for SDPD work, you need to be able to solve it first
(or at least part of it). For solid products prepared at room temperature from
solution, they don't diffract to very high angle compare to high temperature
phases. What detector, optics and monochromator etc. combination would give me
the best resolution in two theta 90-130 degree?
Thanks in advanced.

Xiang Ouyang, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
Texas A&M University

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