Hi all.
I will finish my PhD at the end of september and I'm looking for a post
doctoral position beginning in october or november 2000. My PhD deals with
skutterudite compounds and thermoelectricity. I'm particullaly involved in
the field of  powder X-Ray and Neutron diffraction (and also XAS, magnetism
and inelastic neutron scattering.....). If someone take an interest in my
candidacy, please let me know. In this case, i will send my CV with a
listing of my publications. 


Best regards, 

Laurent CHAPON
LPMC, UMR 5617 CNRS, CC003
Université Montpellier II
5, place E. Bataillon
34095 Montpellier Cedex
Phone :+33-4-67-14-48-88 (ask for Mr CHAPON)

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