Hi everyone,
I have made a new "flavor" of GSAS for MS Windows. You'll find it in the 
directory "windows" at ftp://ftp.lanl.gov/public/gsas. It is a new 
compilation with the g77 compiler for Windows so that the code is identical 
to that used for the Linux version of GSAS. The biggest change is that the 
graphics is now "true" Windows graphics (i.e. not DOS graphics). The 
executables are also "true" 32 bit (i.e. not DOE extended 32 bit) and run 
in a console window. This version will work in any of Win95/98/NT4/2000. 
The graphics is produced in a separate window which has a multitude of 
viewing options; a given run of a GSAS graphics program will produce 
multiple windows each with a plot. These can be horizontally or vertically 
tiled or laid in a cascade. Each plot can be copied for pasting elsewhere 
(Word or PowerPoint). The plots have extensive zoom and scrolling 
capability for getting a close look and each plot can be dynamically 
resized. The two choices for the plot style are either black on white or 
visa versa.
This version must be considered a "beta test" as there a few features & 
1) Each GSAS program creates a zero length file with the same name as the 
program with no extension. These will clutter up a directory and may be 
deleted any time. I have no idea where these files come from. Any advice 
would be welcome.
2) The cursor/keyboard behaves differently when a plotting program has an 
active cursor. The keyboard gives no real response in Win2000 (maybe WinNT 
too) but works fine in Win98(95?). The mouse always seems to work. There 
maybe some machine dependence with this behavior.
3) The experiment and raw powder data files are fixed length direct access. 
This is as it always been. For this new version each record is 82 
characters long and have a CR/LF as the last two characters on each record. 
This makes the files appear to be like "text" files for DOS/Windows so they 
may be examined & edited without conversion. A routine CNVFILE has been 
included to convert unix style direct access files to this file structure. 
Moreover, EXPEDT, etc. will convert these files "on the fly". This is very 
similar to what the DOS & Linux versions have done recently. I have 
prepared a new Linux version that will behave in exactly this same way but 
am not quite prepared to release it yet.
4) The graphics can be stunningly slow if run at the same time as a big 
GENLES refinement is run. This is probably a function of processor speed & 
memory. I saw this on my 633MHz/128Mb laptop.
5) The distribution kit does not include PC-GSAS.EXE as it fails badly on 
WinNT/2000. The QBASIC routine gsas.bas & gsas.bat work fine. Don't tell 
Bill G. but I included a old copy of qbasic.
6) Pay special attention to the README as the installation instructions are 
slightly different from the DOS version of GSAS.
Have fun with it and let me know of any bugs that show up.
Bob Von Dreele

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