According to GSASNEWS.TXT from July 6,1999.

"19. RAWPLOT now has the option for fitting positions, areas & shapes of up 
to 30 individual reflections in a powder pattern using the same profile functions 
available in GENLES."

GSASNEWS.TXT is part of the standard GSAS distribution and is in the main \gsas 
directory. The profile functions in GENLES are described in the GSAS Manual. The 
coefficients you refer to in your note are the ones for neutron TOF profile function 
#3 or #4. They are position, intensity, alpha, beta, sigma^2 and gamma. 
Bob Von Dreele

-----Original Message-----
From: ling yang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 3/22/2004 9:05 AM
May I ask what is the exact formula used by rawplot refinement? There are 6 
parameters: pos, int, alp, bet, sig, gam, what are their meanings? If i want to 
compare the changes of a peak at different banks or different temperature, what is the 
most important parameter?


Ling Yang
PhD student in Dr. Wang's group
701 Scarboro Rd
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Tel: 865 574 0337
Fax: 865 241 5177

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