In Topas there are two options for treating low-angle asymmetry using
diffractometer characteristics (i.e., "fundamental parameters") called
"simple axial model" and "full axial model". But (this is my impression
only) it seems that FCJ (Finger et al) approach works equally well.
Starting from Topas2.1 it is implemented too, and you can easily compare.
On the other hand, a very useful feature of Topas is the possibility to
treat irregular peak asymmetry originating from "sample effects"... 
Sincerely,                                      Maxim.

>Again, does this approach take care of low angle peak
>asymmetry better?

Maxim V. Lobanov
Department of Chemistry
Rutgers University
610 Taylor Rd
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: (732) 445-3811

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