At 06:54 07/07/2004, you wrote:
>Would anyone please send me the wykoff positions  of Hopeite, Zn3(PO4)2. [H2O]4.

Just login to and type Hopeite into the Mineral name 
then click Details. You can also draw the structure and powder pattern.

Mg1     (4c)    2
Zn1     (4c)    2
Zn2     (8d)    2
P1      (8d)    5
O1      (4c)    -2
O2      (4c)    -2
O3      (8d)    -2
O4      (8d)    -2
O5      (8d)    -2
O6      (8d)    -2
O7      (8d)    -2
H1      (8*)    1

Dr Alan W. Hewat, Diffraction Group Leader.
Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156X Grenoble FRANCE 38042
fax (33) tel (33) (or .26 Mme Guillermet) 

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