Yes, I fully agree with you, Alan.

Yes, the person signing messages to the Rietveld list is responsible for their content. As you 
know, many mailing lists are filtered by a "moderator". This is also the case for 
printed journals, which you gave as an example - the editor chooses to print letters, but often 
chooses not to print them. The Rietveld list has no moderator; you will see your messages posted 
automatically as soon as you send them. I have no control over such messages.

That's absolutely correct, and I wellcome that there is no "moderator" on the Rietveld mailing list. It means for example that we are not at all obliged to follow you if you say stop the discussion. And you have no technical tools to prevent us from continuing :-)

I hope it will stay like that.

Best wishes


Radovan Cerny Laboratoire de Cristallographie 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland Phone : [+[41] 22] 37 964 50, FAX : [+[41] 22] 37 961 08

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