
As someone who has never really solved anything hard but who dreams of being
able to, I am happy to meet you.

A good place to start is Armel LeBail's web page.  He has a nice description
of part of the process,


and suggestions for some FREE software for solving structures from powder

There is also another mailing list - the SDPD (Structure Determination from
Powder Diffraction) devoted to this topic.

                                            - Kurt

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jasminka Popovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 5:50 AM

Hi, let me introduce myself at the beginig. My name is Jasminka Popovic and
I am phd student at faculty of science university of zagreb. I did my
graduation theisis on structure determination of single crystals and till
know all the work I did regarding crystallography was single crystal
strucutre determination and refinement. Recenty I joined a powder
diffraction group at Institut of Rudjer Boskovic. I have learned (more or
less)how to to fitting, how to do indexing,  and how to refine structure
using rietveld method. But one thing is missing...I know how to "solve" and
refine when I have strucural model to start with...so I was wondering which
is the best method for obtaining the structural model when you have no clue
how the structure should look like...thank you all

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