>> It is not a question of Bragg or diffuse scattering.
> Actually it is.  Bragg scattering is equivalent to projecting all the
> scattering density in the crystal onto a single unit cell divided by the
> number of unit cells in the crystal and replicate that average unit
> cell. In other words, you do a coherent configurational average (over
> the correlation length of the probe).

No it's not :-) What I said was that the crystal lattice has nothing to do
with Brian's  statement that if you integrate over energy you get an
instantaneous snapshot of the spatial correlations, which is true. More
precisely, if you write down the general expression for scattering S(Q,w)
it contains a term exp(iwt) so that if you integrate S(Q,w) over energy
you can factor out a delta function in time Integral[exp(iwt)]dt. This
applies to disordered materials as well as crystals - you don't need to
introduce a lattice here.

> Furthermore, because Bragg scattering is elastic, you also get a
> coherent time average.

This is not the way to look at it. Bragg scattering is simply all
scattering that peaks at points in the "reciprocal lattice" that
correspond to the long-range correlations called the "crystal lattice" in
real space. Take the superstructure example again. Suppose the
superstructure is condensing from a single zone-boundary soft mode eg a
simple octahedral tilt in a perovskite. This will produce a slightly
diffuse (in Q) and slightly inelastic, superstructure peak. A powder
experiment (and most others) will integrate over energy, so will see just
the spatial correlations, or an instantaneous snapshot.

If you do a Rietveld refinement restricted to the Bragg peaks, you can
either neglect the developing superstructure, in which case you won't see
the octahedral tilt except as an anisotropic DW factor, or else you can
double your unit cell to include the superstructure, in which case you
will correctly model the correlated tilts - i.e. your model will then
contain distances that are only present in the tilted structure.

In the PDF method, you don't have to decide anything about the lattice a
priori. This seems a strength, but it is also a weakness. The advantage is
that you will naturally see the distances (peaks) that are only present in
the tilted structure. The disadvantage is that you will have so many peaks
that you probably won't be able to interpret them all unless you also
(Rietveld) refine the structure :-)

The whole point of Rietveld refinement is to reduce correlations by
refining only parameters from a physical model. The fact that in
crystallography you constrain your data to the reciprocal space points
also helps :-) If you go to a more complex refinement without such
constraints, you can expect to have problems with correlations.

So I can see the interest of Fourier transforming the raw diffraction
pattern to look for peaks that should not be there with your periodic
model eg the split atom sites given as an example. But I am less sure that
you will get a better result by refining a model to fit the PDF function,
rather than modelling the split site or superstructure in Rietveld
refinement. But I will try to convince myself otherwise :-)


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