Since its first release in 1998, TOPAS ( has defined a new 
generation of profile fit software from single line fitting up to ab-initio structure 
determination. Its outstanding and unique fundamental parameters approach, function 
minimization routines and structure determination capabilities are just a few 
examples, where TOPAS is at the leading edge in powder diffraction. Just naturally, in 
industrial areas such as the cement industry, TOPAS has become the industry standard 
for quantitative phase analysis. 

Recognizing the needs of the academic community, Bruker AXS with the TOPAS development 
team decided to make an academic version of TOPAS (TOPAS A) available to 
degree-granting institutions comprising universities, university run institutes, 
laboratories and schools at a very attractive price.

With TOPAS A, this special offer to the academic community, Bruker AXS intends to 
allow for an easier access to TOPAS's unique refinement capabilities for both research 
as well as teaching purposes.

More information can be found on 

For any TOPAS A inquiries and support, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        Dr. Arnt Kern
        Product Manager XRD Software
        Bruker AXS GmbH
        Östliche Rheinbrückenstr. 49
        D-76187 Karlsruhe
        Tel.:   ++49 (0)721 595-5669
        Fax:    ++49 (0)721 595-6693
        Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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