Dear  Colleague,

I am somewhat confused to this discussion. As Bob said, one can put
all Co in one site & all Fe in the other with the duplicate sites set
to zero FRAC. Then  put in constraint that forces amount of Fe lost
from A-site to appear in the B-site and vise versa for the Co, which
can constrain the ratio of the Co:Fe to be 1:2 (allowing the
constraint factor). But how to keep the full occupancy of each atom
site, for example site A or site B? Could you like to give me one
constraints to suffice the above two conditions(the ratio 2:1 and the
full occupancy of each atom
site)? I am sure that this constrain can be acieved, but I can't.
Would you like to tell me the detail?

In other word, we may introduce the atoms as follows:

site A: Fe1=0, Co1=1
site B: Fe2=1, Co2=0

one can put all Co in A site & all Fe in B site with the duplicate
sites set to zero FRAC.Then , the constraints should be introduced as
follows, where d represents the shifts on occupancy
parameters(allowing for the constraint factor):

dFe1 = -dCo1 = -dFe2 = dCo2

so that the Co atom lost from site A is compensated by Fe atom in the
same site and is transfered to site B, and vice verse for  Fe atom,
which can keep the ration 2:1 and full occupancy of each site.
However, Due to the way GSAS implements constraints, a parameter can
be included in only one constraint. So I don't know how to do?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated,

Thanks a million in advance,

Best regards,

Jianrong Chen

School of Arts and Science
University of Louisville

> Re: Chemical Structure Constraint
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: Darin Hoffman
> Subject: Re: Chemical Structure Constraint
> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 07:21:44 -0700
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks Bob.  I think I understand how to do that. I will give it a try today.
> -Darin
> At 07:26 AM 8/10/2004, you wrote:
> Dear Darin & others,
> The trick here is to realize the effect of the different site
> multiplicities. Moreover, remember that the constraint applies to the
> shifts & not the values. So start the site fractions with the right
> stereochemistry - you can put all Co in one site & all Fe in the other
> with the duplicate sites set to zero FRAC. Then put in constraint that
> forces amount of Fe lost from A-site to appear in the B-site and vise
> versa for the Co; a single constraint with 4 terms should suffice. The
> constraint factors will be 1.0 or 0.5 to account for the site
> multiplicity changes. All this assumes no vacancies - you can't really
> determine that from a single experiment, too many variables & not
> enough information.
> Bob Von Dreele
> ________________________________
> From: Darin Hoffman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Mon 8/9/2004 5:23 PM
> Hello all:
> I am currently working on a rietveld refinement of CoFe2O4 using GSAS. The
> structural model I am using is
> Site A 1/8, 1/8, 1/8
> Site B 1/2, 1/2, 1/2
> Oxygen site 1/4+d,1/4+d,1/4+d
> On site A and B both Iron and Cobalt are present.
> I am trying to create a constraint that forces the ratio of the Co:Fe to be
> 1:2 as well as force the fractional occupancies of each site to inverse
> each other .  In other words percent Iron goes up percent Cobalt goes
> down.  This part I have been able to do quite easily.  I thought I was able
> to set up the 1:2 ratio constraint correctly but I don't believe the answer
> because I am getting the Cobalt on both sites to have a Fraction value of
> ~0.28 and the Iron fraction to = ~ 0.57.  I know that I may have vacancies
> but I don't believe both site should be the same.
> Can anyone please tell me how to set up a chemical ratio constraint either
> going through the EXPGUI or DOS interface?
> Sincerely,
> Darin Hoffman
> #################################################
> Darin Hoffman, TSPA
> Research Intern, NPDF
> Lujan Neutron Scattering Center
> Los Alamos National Laboratory
> PH: 505-667-8704
> #####################################################

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