Dear all,
Are there anybody experienced in stacking faults? Please help me!
Basically I'm following Warren's book and R. Berliner's paper to simulate the possible effects of stacking faults on diffraction patterns. I did generate a set of patterns for fcc, but there are some questions I'm not clear:
1 What is the relation of (hkl) between the cubic fcc and the hexagonal lattice cell, for example, what does this (1 0 1/3) stand for in the orginal cubic cell? All those papers use the distance between layers as the c value, i.e., A=-a/2+b/2, B=-b/2+c/2, C=(a+b+c)/3, the original (111) plane will be (-1 1 3). I don't know what is this l=1/3 or 2/3 stand for.
2 Besides peak broadening and peak position shifting, are there other effects by the long-range one-dimensinal disorderness? Is it possible to get superlattice peaks which have bigger d-space than the original cell? Should I set a superlattice layer sequence first, e.g., the fcc sequence is ABCABC..., should i set a sequence like ABCDEFABCDEF... as a model for simulation, so that extra peaks will appear?
Please please help. Thanks greatly.
Ling Yang
Dept of CME, Univ of Cincinnati
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