Dear colleagues,

enclosed is your feedback to the Rietveld-list survey on powder
diffraction software usage/preferences, which was conducted Nov 2003.

Your replies were very helpful, as we are working on a detailed scope of
diffraction software to be developed under the proposed DANSE project.
We have received 31 email replies to the survey, but we would like to
reach a wider community.  In order to do that, we have recreated this
survey online at

We would really appreciate if you could fill out this survey and help us
determine the software needs of the diffraction community.  Those of you
who have already submitted email replies don't need to do that; we will
re-enter your replies for you.


                Simon J.L. Billinge,
                Pavol Juhas

PS: If you want to learn more about the DANSE project, please visit


Results of Rietveld email-list survey from 2003-11-11 conducted on
software preferences and usage of the powder diffraction community.


UK                                                      7/31  (23%)
USA                                                     6/31  (19%)
France                                                  6/31  (19%)
Germany                                                 4/31  (13%)
Italy                                                   2/31   (6%)
Switzerland                                             1/31   (3%)
Portugal                                                1/31   (3%)
Norway                                                  1/31   (3%)
India                                                   1/31   (3%)
Canada                                                  1/31   (3%)
Austria                                                 1/31   (3%)


Academia                                               21/31  (68%)
National lab                                            9/31  (29%)
Other institution                                       2/31   (6%)
Industry                                                1/31   (3%)


In-house x-ray                                         28/31  (90%)
Synchrotron x-ray                                      22/31  (71%)
Reactor neutrons                                       14/31  (45%)
Spallation neutrons                                    14/31  (45%)


Rietveld refinement:                                   31/31 (100%)
GSAS                                                   28/31  (90%)
FullProf                                               11/31  (35%)
TOPAS                                                   4/31  (13%)
FullProf/WinPlotr                                       2/31   (6%)
Rietica                                                 2/31   (6%)
CCSL codes                                              1/31   (3%)
DBWS9411                                                1/31   (3%)
Materials Studio                                        1/31   (3%)
MAUD                                                    1/31   (3%)
MPRODD                                                  1/31   (3%)
Rietan                                                  1/31   (3%)
WinCSD                                                  1/31   (3%)
WinMProf                                                1/31   (3%)

Peak indexing/unit cell determination:                 29/31  (94%)
Crysfire                                               14/29  (48%)
Dicvol                                                  7/29  (24%)
TREOR                                                   6/29  (21%)
ITO                                                     3/29  (10%)
Stoe WinXPow                                            2/29   (7%)
UFIT                                                    2/29   (7%)
WinPlotr                                                2/29   (7%)
CheckCell                                               1/29   (3%)
CMPR                                                    1/29   (3%)
DASH                                                    1/29   (3%)
DiffracPlus                                             1/29   (3%)
EVA                                                     1/29   (3%)
Jade                                                    1/29   (3%)
SVD                                                     1/29   (3%)
TOPAS                                                   1/29   (3%)
WinCSD                                                  1/29   (3%)

Peak integration:                                      17/31  (55%)
custom code                                             3/17  (18%)
TOPAS                                                   3/17  (18%)
FullProf                                                2/17  (12%)
Jade                                                    2/17  (12%)
PeakFit                                                 2/17  (12%)
Stoe WinXPow                                            2/17  (12%)
CMPR                                                    1/17   (6%)
EXPO                                                    1/17   (6%)
GSAS lebail                                             1/17   (6%)
PowderCell                                              1/17   (6%)
WinCSD                                                  1/17   (6%)
WinPlotr                                                1/17   (6%)
Xfit                                                    1/17   (6%)

Peak fitting:                                          22/31  (71%)
Jade                                                    3/22  (14%)
TOPAS                                                   3/22  (14%)
Xfit                                                    3/22  (14%)
GSAS                                                    2/22   (9%)
Shadow                                                  2/22   (9%)
Stoe WinXPow                                            2/22   (9%)
WinPlotr                                                2/22   (9%)
CMPR                                                    1/22   (5%)
custom code                                             1/22   (5%)
FullProf                                                1/22   (5%)
GSAS rawplot                                            1/22   (5%)
Materials Studio                                        1/22   (5%)
PeakFit                                                 1/22   (5%)
Peakoc                                                  1/22   (5%)
WinCSD                                                  1/22   (5%)
Winfit                                                  1/22   (5%)

Powder pattern simulation from a structural model:     29/31  (94%)
PowderCell                                             10/29  (34%)
GSAS                                                    6/29  (21%)
FullProf                                                4/29  (14%)
Stoe WinXPow                                            3/29  (10%)
Crystallographica                                       3/29  (10%)
Lazy (web-ICSD)                                         3/29  (10%)
Atoms                                                   2/29   (7%)
Pulverix                                                2/29   (7%)
TOPAS                                                   2/29   (7%)
FOX                                                     1/29   (3%)
Materials Studio                                        1/29   (3%)
Platon                                                  1/29   (3%)
Pulverix (web-ICSD)                                     1/29   (3%)
SIRWARE                                                 1/29   (3%)
Stoe THEO                                               1/29   (3%)

Structure solution from powder:                        21/31  (68%)
EXPO                                                    7/21  (33%)
FOX                                                     7/21  (33%)
GSAS                                                    3/21  (14%)
SHELX                                                   4/21  (19%)
TOPAS                                                   3/21  (14%)
SIRPOW                                                  2/21  (10%)
checkcell                                               1/21   (5%)
Crysfire                                                1/21   (5%)
DASH                                                    1/21   (5%)
DIRDIF                                                  1/21   (5%)
direct methods                                          1/21   (5%)
Endeavour                                               1/21   (5%)
Espoir                                                  1/21   (5%)
Materials Studio                                        1/21   (5%)
Patterson                                               1/21   (5%)
POSSUM                                                  1/21   (5%)
POWDERSOLVE                                             1/21   (5%)
shelxl                                                  1/21   (5%)
shelxs                                                  1/21   (5%)
Shelxtl                                                 1/21   (5%)
SIR                                                     1/21   (5%)
WinCSD                                                  1/21   (5%)

Peak search/match/phase identification:                23/31  (74%)
Jade                                                    5/23  (22%)
EVA                                                     4/23  (17%)
PC-PDF                                                  3/23  (13%)
Stoe WinXPow with ICDD                                  3/23  (13%)
Crystallographica                                       2/23   (9%)
custom code                                             1/23   (4%)
DiffracPlus                                             1/23   (4%)
DMSNT                                                   1/23   (4%)
Highscore                                               1/23   (4%)
Oxford SM (ICDD-PDF-2)                                  1/23   (4%)
Pcpdfwin (icdd)                                         1/23   (4%)
PDF-db via B.Toby interface                             1/23   (4%)
Philips Xpert                                           1/23   (4%)
SCINTAG software                                        1/23   (4%)
Stoe Graphics                                           1/23   (4%)

Total scattering/PDF data analysis:                     9/31  (29%)
Crystallographica                                        2/9  (22%)
PDFGetX                                                  2/9  (22%)
DISCUS                                                   1/9  (11%)
ISIS code                                                1/9  (11%)
Martin Dove's code                                       1/9  (11%)
PDFFit                                                   1/9  (11%)
RAD&FIT                                                  1/9  (11%)

Total scattering/PDF modeling:                          5/31  (16%)
PDFFit                                                   2/5  (40%)
RMC code (ISIS, cambridge)                               1/5  (20%)
RMCPOW                                                   1/5  (20%)

Data visualization/plotting:                           29/31  (94%)
GSAS                                                    6/29  (21%)
WinPlotr                                                6/29  (21%)
Origin                                                  4/29  (14%)
Crystallographica                                       3/29  (10%)
Excel                                                   3/29  (10%)
FullProf                                                3/29  (10%)
Atoms                                                   2/29   (7%)
Diamond                                                 2/29   (7%)
EVA                                                     2/29   (7%)
Stoe WinXPow                                            2/29   (7%)
XYplot                                                  2/29   (7%)
APD (Philips)                                           1/29   (3%)
CMPR                                                    1/29   (3%)
custom code                                             1/29   (3%)
DMSNT                                                   1/29   (3%)
GENIE                                                   1/29   (3%)
Gnuplot                                                 1/29   (3%)
IrisExplorer for 3d                                     1/29   (3%)
Jade                                                    1/29   (3%)
Jmap3D                                                  1/29   (3%)
KaleidaGraph                                            1/29   (3%)
Kuplot                                                  1/29   (3%)
Materials Studio                                        1/29   (3%)
PowderCell                                              1/29   (3%)
Stoe Graphics                                           1/29   (3%)
TOPAS                                                   1/29   (3%)
WinCSD                                                  1/29   (3%)
Xfit                                                    1/29   (3%)

Structure visualization:                               28/31  (90%)
Atoms                                                  10/28  (36%)
Diamond                                                 9/28  (32%)
Ortep                                                   8/28  (29%)
Materials Studio                                        2/28   (7%)
Mercury                                                 2/28   (7%)
Platon                                                  2/28   (7%)
PowderCell                                              2/28   (7%)
XTALdraw                                                2/28   (7%)
Cameron                                                 1/28   (4%)
Carine Crystallography                                  1/28   (4%)
CrystalMaker                                            1/28   (4%)
ICSD                                                    1/28   (4%)
MSI                                                     1/28   (4%)
SCHAKAL                                                 1/28   (4%)
SMILE                                                   1/28   (4%)
Swiss PDB viewer                                        1/28   (4%)
VRweb                                                   1/28   (4%)
X-TAL 3d vrml                                           1/28   (4%)
Xshel                                                   1/28   (4%)

Other software:                                         5/31  (16%)
SHELX                                                    2/5  (40%)
CONVX                                                    1/5  (20%)
EscherSketch                                             1/5  (20%)
Excel, extinction rules                                  1/5  (20%)
GADDS                                                    1/5  (20%)
GSAS                                                     1/5  (20%)
GUFI phase quantification                                1/5  (20%)
Materials Studio                                         1/5  (20%)
Platon                                                   1/5  (20%)
PowderCell                                               1/5  (20%)
RepTiles                                                 1/5  (20%)
WINGX                                                    1/5  (20%)
XCIF                                                     1/5  (20%)
ZCIF                                                     1/5  (20%)


- single program which does everything mentioned above

- more software tailored for sdpd, esp. direct-space, e.g. software
  allowing simple quantitative comparison of characteristics of
  structures from structure solution programs, such as direct comparison
  of torsion angles, planes on which molecules lie, etc.

- combined Lattice Energy + Rietveld Refinement, Combined Total
  Scattering + Rietveld Refinement

- we obviously need a newly coded version of GSAS that uses all the
  latest features of PC-based programming.  As a crystallographic
  package it is one of the most complete, but it could be much easier to
  use than it is now.  We also need a more sophisticated kind of
  Rietveld package that specifically tackles parametric studies, with
  large numbers of datasets.  Being able to change starting variables as
  a function of the intensive variable (such as temperature), or
  actually refining the final equation of state directly from the raw
  datasets would be useful.  In general, I would like to see more tools
  to integrate programs into packages, such as CRYSFIRE and WINGX.

- faster computers/software!

- it could be useful in the future if all the software editors (even if
  i am really gratefull about their work) could take the same format to
  describe a same profile function (for example) ! A new softxare, a new
  formalism ! Is it possible for the future to envisage a standard like
  de cif file for single crystal diffraction ?? This point is especially
  a problem for new students trying to sollve structures by powders.

- as we are neophytes as users of  PDFGetX and PDFFit (and also of GSAS)
  we need to learn before suggesting new features.

- if you are starting a "large scale development project" we are better
  able to benefit from it here at ESRF if the source is available.

- more flexibility between softwares, simpler data formats for
  "swapping" from a program to an other and for plotting.

- it's hard to find a good reflectometry-modeling software in public

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