The idea for R(free) comes from protein crystallography and is a good one for folks who have more data than they need. This is commonly true of macromolecular work, but this is rarely true in powder work. The gist of R(free) is this: rather than look at the agreement between reflections *that you have used to fit your model* and the values your model predicts, select a random subset of reflections that you *do not include* in your fit and see how well they match the model. This is a far more rigorous test of a model and thus provides a more unbiased agreement factor.

The problem for powder diffraction is that one must exclude fairly wide sections of the pattern to drop a reflection from the fit and one needs to drop a significant number of reflections over a wide range in Q so that R(free) will mean anything. This means that to compute R(free), one will end up not using a significant fraction of the data set. Perhaps this is not always true, but it seems that in almost every structure that I work on, I end up wanting even more data than I have, so that I try more sophisticated models -- I'd be very hard pressed to give up some data and give up on fitting parameters that I know matter.

I don't know how exactly Bob has implemented R(free) in GSAS, but I suspect it is documented in the GSAS manual. I am not sure you need to bother looking; I also suspect that R(free) will not be of great value unless you have a huge unit cell and very high resolution data or have collected data over a large Q range with a very small wavelength.


Dear Rietvelders,

I am using the updated version of GSAS and will like to know bit more about the
following feature(s)?

In the histogram editing menu, What is the physical meanings of the R-free
sampling factor and seed - (option S) ? How these affect the refinement

Hope that this will not too naive to ask these question in this community..

many thanks,

stephen chui

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