There are several function in GSAS for absorption correction. For Bragg-Brentano geometry the best is Suorti (#3).

This correction (coeff.1 & Coeff.2 in range of .2-.5) is designed primarily for porosity correction but is does good job with absorption correction and any other correction that has 2th dependence, e.g. when incident beam is broader than the sample at lower angles.

Note that absorption correction in Bragg-Brentano geometry makes sense only when relatively low absorbing sample is relatively thin. The necessity to perform absorption (not any other) correction can be estimated using the sample thickness and liner absorption coefficient, and of course some reasonable packing density.


Dr. Peter Y. Zavalij 
Director, X-ray Crystallographic Laboratory
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
0107 Chemistry Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-4454

Phone: (301)405-1861
Fax:   (301)314-9121

From: Gerard, Garcia S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 5:03 AM
Subject: absortion correction


Dear everybody,

How can i correct my sample's absortion with GSAS?


Thanks for your gentle answers in advance



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