Sorry Vincent,
you are right, I did not read carefully the article . There seems to be no
chance to clean the list by asking the misused senders.
Sorry again

At 10:14 18.05.2005 +0200, you wrote:
>> actually we get some mails with German subjects to our list. These are
>> spams with links to sites with rassistic or neo-nazi content, generated by
>> a worm sober.p or so.
>> Beschreibung: W32.Sober.P alias Trojan.Ascetic.C
>> see
>> Would be great if anyone who found his address as sender would check his
>> computer for the worm, to reduce this trash.
>   This is useless. The email adress of the sender if always *forged*, and 
>will *not* correspond to the computer from which the email originates. So no 
>need to bother the person whose adress has been used.
>   This is actually described @, 
>near the middle of the page:
>Von: <Absender gefälscht>
>English translation: <From: Sender falsified>
>Vincent Favre-Nicolin
>Université Joseph Fourier
>ObjCryst & Fox :
Dr. R. Kleeberg
TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Institut für Mineralogie
Brennhausgasse 14
D-09596 Freiberg
Tel. +49 (0) 3731-39-3244
Fax. +49 (0) 3731-39-3129

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