Hi Joy!
you can use Fullprof ( The interface Winplotr), but i think that in first
place you should made a qualitative analysis, in order to know the
crystalline  phases,
best wishes

Miguel Hesiquio-Garduño
Profesor Titular "A"
Departamento de Ciencia de Materiales
Academia de Ciencias de la Ingeniería
ESFM-IPN. tel 57 29 60 00 ext. 55003, ext. 55011
> Dear all
> may anyone write me in elaborate the steps for finding
> out the integrated intensity for the diffraction peaks
> due to the different hkl planes for a crystalline
> material. what are the useful softwares available for
> this.
> warm wishes,
> j. mukherjee
> FSD, Central Fuel Research India
> India-828108
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