Tamas Dragos schrieb:

Perhapse I did not make myself clear so I’ll just try again. I know how to set up the wavelengths in FullProf and I also know how to setup the ratio, but a ratio of 0.5 seems so far away from the real physical value. It is not so easy to calculate a mean wavelength and I do not think that FullProf just takes the simple mean of the two wavelengths meaning wavelenght1 + wavelength 2 / 2. So I want to know if I wanna calculate the values for the cell parameters with another method, how do I do to find out which value FullProf uses as a mean for the kalpha1 and kalpha2 wavelenghts.

There seems to be a misconception here: Fullprof does not use an average wavelength; at least not for the standard applications, if at all. If you give two different wavelengths, the programm will calculate two corresponding peaks for any given Bragg reflection, using the intensity ratio given.

Daniel Toebbens
Institute of Mineralogy and Perography
University of Innsbruck, Austria

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