
we have a relatively new Bruker diffractometer with Cu
source and diffracted-beam graphite monochromator. When
collecting the patterns, I found it difficult to refine
them to low chi**2, even for the standard supplied by the
manufacturer. What I also found is that if I refine the
POLA variable in GSAS, the chi**2 improves a lot (from 18
to 3.5 for quartz standard). However, the POLA
(polarization fraction) refines to 2.5 which is too much.

Can anyone suggest if this is a diffractometer problem or
the POLA variable correlates with other variables that need
to be taken care of in GSAS? What should be the value of
POLA for a standard diffractometer with the graphite

Thank you,

Juro Majzlan

Juraj Majzlan
Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology
Albert-Ludwig-University of Freiburg
Albertstrasse 23b
Freiburg, D-79104, Germany
telephone +49-761-203-6416
fax +49-761-203-6407

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