How do I obtain the instrumental
parameter file for the powder diffractometer (Siemens)
I am using?


At the risk of self-promotion, one way to start is covered in a canned talk.

See topic #1 on this web page: Powder_Diffraction_Crystallography/EXPGUItricks.html

Visit starbucks first; the talks can be pretty dull.

Convince everyone in your group starting with your advisor (better yet, department) to ask your library to subscribe to ICSD. We do. Cost is very reasonable compared to most journal subscriptions. At worst, your group should be able to manage the cost of a single-seat license; cost compares favorably to the student-discounted price for many commonly used software packages.


Brian H. Toby, Ph.D.                            office: 630-252-5488
Materials Characterization Group Leader, Advanced Photon Source
9700 S. Cass Ave, Bldg. 433/D003             work cell: 630-327-8426
Argonne National Laboratory         secretary (Marija): 630-252-5453
Argonne, IL 60439-4856         e-mail: brian dot toby at anl dot gov

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