Dear Mr Werner,

adding to the remarks by Bob: basically the squared line widths (Gamma^2
in the GSAS manual) must not become negative for any hkl combination. For
h00, 0k0, 00l, negative S400, S040, S004 always will lead to negative
squared widths. If S400, S040 and S004 are all positive, the squared width
can nevertheless become negative, if certain S220 etc. become "too
negative", and in case of simple symmetry one may identify limits in
comparsion with S400, S040 and S004. In some programes it is possible to
impose restrictions and limits (e.g. Topas), which is however  (to my
knowledge) difficult in GSAS. The actual physical background for the
limits for SHKL is the fact that the "Stephens model" is based on a
correlated multivariate lattice parameter distribution, and the
correlation coefficients between the lattice parameters must fall between
-1 and 1.

Best regards
Andreas Leineweber

Dear All

My questions concerns Stephen's anisotropic microstrain parameters in
GSAS' profile function no. 4. Are negative values of these parameters
(Shkl)) acceptable, i.e. do they have any physical/chemical meaning? In
case negative values are not "allowed", how should one proceed (e.g. fix
the ill parameters to 0?)?

Thanks for your advice.

Franz Werner
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