>  Dear Matt,
we have determination of unit cell parameters from powder data, using the
following software: POWDER X for treatment of data, DICVOL04 for
determination of unit cell parameters and crystalline system, NBS*AIDS83
for Least squares refinement of peak positions without internal standard.
If you want, I can send you them.

Best regards,

Mario MacĂ­as
UIS, Colombia.

Dear all,
> I would like to hear opinions on the best method for the most accurate
> determination of unit cell parameters from powder data. The
> literature shows several techniques are used in general, e.g., Least
> squares
> refinement of peak positions with (or without) an internal
> standard, Rietveld refinement (no internal standard), etc. Is perhaps the
> best procedure to first determine the unit cell parameter with an internal
> standard (and for example, least squares refinement), and then fix this
> during Rietveld refinement? Any thoughts are appreciated.
> Also, any suggestions of personal favorites for software (preferably
> free) for least squares unit cell refinement (i.e., other than
> Rietveld) from peak positions would be welcome.
> Thanks and best wishes,
> Matt  Beekman
>  ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Matt Beekman
> Department of Physics
> University of South Florida
> 4202 East Fowler Ave., PHY 114
> Tampa, FL 33620
> Phone: (813) 974-8236
> Fax: (813) 974-5813
> Visit the Novel Materials Laboratory Website:
> http://chuma.cas.usf.edu/~gnolas/<https://frontend.cas.usf.edu/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://chuma.cas.usf.edu/~gnolas/>

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