Dear Mario,

Please tell me a little about the data collection conditions you used for this 

How was the sample prepared (hand ground, micronised in McCrone mill ????)
What was the tube target Cu, Co, other ??

Ian Madsen
Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 2:48 AM
Subject: Quantitative analysis

Dear all,

I have this question,

I have been refined one mixture (of well-know percentage composition) of
CaCO3, CaF2, SiO2 and Al2O3, with preferential orientation in CaCO3 (104)
and CaF2 (111) with good results. When I add to the mixture FeCO3 and I
refine with preferential orientation (104), it happens that when I don´t
apply the preferential orientation in all this phases, I have correct
values of percentage composition, but when I apply the preferential
orientation the refinement is good but with incorrect values of percentage
composition. This experiment has been taken in Bragg Brentano geometry.
How I should refine this mixture?

Thanks a lot by your help.

Mario Macías
Universidad Industrial de Santander

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