Hi all - 
The way I've thought about it is that when you fit the background in Rietveld, 
that is a kind of background removal.  But, it is done in conjunction with the 
peak fit, which means that you are closer to subtracting the "true" background 
(a mixture of the machine background plus any scattering from the sample that 
is not part of the Bragg reflections).  And, the statistics of the background 
removal is properly included in the error analysis of the fit.
Still, there is cross-talk between the background and the Bragg peaks even in 
Rietveld refinement.  That cross-talk should be partly accounted for by the 
correlation matrix of errors between the different fitting parameters.  But it 
can still detract from the structure if done poorly.
That's how I think of it - - does it sound right, all?
- Kurt


From: Maxim V. Lobanov [mailto:m_loba...@huntsman-nmg.com]
Sent: Tue 3/3/2009 11:35 PM
To: rietveld_l@ill.fr
Subject: RE: cRs

As far as I understand, the major issue is that BG subtraction changes the 
error statistics (accordingly, weights applied in calculating function to 
minimize...). It is also somewhat arbitrary how you choose the BG line - so, 
you can easily subtract part of Bragg contribution from base of peak - hence, 
bias the data. Most probably there are more things I didn't mention. So, of 
course it is preferable to fit BG with some suitable empirical function (e.g. 
Chebyschev polynomials).

However, some Rietveld programs do not have good selection of BG functions, and 
it is sometimes problematic to correctly fit the BG - so, I think in this case 
careful BG removal would be the only option. I'd like to use this opportunity 
to ask Fullprof experts: is the Chebyschev option finally implemented? Or 
otherwise what is the best option to model difficult (wavy) background with 


Dr. Maxim Lobanov
R&D Director
mailto: m_loba...@huntsman-nmg.com

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-----Original Message-----
From: matthew.row...@csiro.au [mailto:matthew.row...@csiro.au]
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 8:32 AM
To: olga.smirn...@hw7.ecs.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Cc: rietveld_l@ill.fr
Subject: RE: cRs

It's German... "verboten" == forbidden.

You should never delete the background from a diffraction pattern prior to 
(Rietveld) analysis.

It changes peak positions and shapes and generally is bad.



Matthew Rowles

CSIRO Minerals
Box 312
Clayton South, Victoria

Ph: +61 3 9545 8892
Fax: +61 3 9562 8919 (site)
Email: matthew.row...@csiro.au
-----Original Message-----
From: Olga Smirnova [mailto:olga.smirn...@hw7.ecs.kyoto-u.ac.jp]
Sent: Wednesday, 4 March 2009 16:30
To: Brian O'Connor
Cc: rietveld_l@ill.fr
Subject: Re: cRs

According to my computer, I received your response 4 minutes earlier
than forwarded the email.
What is 'verbotten' (volabulary does not find) ?

Brian O'Connor wrote:
> Background removal is verbotten!
> Brian O'Connor
> ________________________________
> From: Olga Smirnova [mailto:olga.smirn...@hw7.ecs.kyoto-u.ac.jp]
> Sent: Wed 4/03/2009 2:14 PM
> To: rietveld_l@ill.fr
> Subject: cRs
> Dear All,
> How is life with conventional R factors when you always have to divide
> by zero background?
> Let's have time. Considering a part of the profile without peaks one
> gets 100% cR.
> I did not give the agreement factor; I would say those cR with all
> non-excluded points is incorrect, but cR for
> points with Bragg contribution is almost the same!
> Do you decrease the Rs by adding the background or do you increase cRs
> by subtracting the background?
> OS
> PS I did not ask my supervisor before sending such a mail.
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