Thanks, Nicolae, for the didactic comment, but I must add that the expression

pol = SIN(PSI)**2 + COS(PSI)**2*COS(2*TET1)**2*COS(2*TET2)**2 

is an idealization and the real polarization factor may deviate notably from 
the idealized one depending on the crystal type (perfection/mosaicity) and 
other factors especially for multi-bounce systems. So, regarding the 
polarization factor of a real system in use, it is better to either consult the 
manufacturer or try determining it experimentally, for example, by measuring 
the same standard sample with and without monochromator.


 Leonid A. Solovyov
 Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
 660049, K. Marx 42, Krasnoyarsk , Russia

--- On Mon, 7/27/09, Nicolae Popa <> wrote:

> From: Nicolae Popa <>
> Subject: Re: LP factor in the Rietveld refinement
> To: "Leonid Solovyov" <>,
> Date: Monday, July 27, 2009, 11:04 AM
> Right, but specially for students-
> beginners we must  be much, let say, didactic
> LP means (Lorentz) * (Polarisation)
> What is important in Rietveld refinement when a lot of
> mirrors & monochromators are present is how they change
> (Polarization)
> because (Lorentz) is changed by adding factors independent
> on hkl, then entering in the scaling factor
> Presuming the same scattering plane for all "scatterers"
> the polarization factor is:
> pol = SIN(PSI)**2 +
> COS(PSI)**2*COS(2*TET1)**2*COS(2*TET2)**2
> *.....*COS(2*TETm)**2*COS(2*TETb)**2
> where   TET1, TET2, .....,
> TETm   are the Bragg angles at monochromator
> 1, 2, ....,m
> and where  TETb  is the Bragg angle at 
> sample  (depending on hkl)
> and where PSI  is the angle between polarization 
> vector of the incident beam - IF it is TOTALLY POLARIZED!!!
> - and the scattering plane;
> If the incident beam is NOT POLARIZED the averages of both
> SIN(PSI)**2 and COS(PSI)**2  result in 1/2.
> If the incident beam is partially polarized one replace for
> example SIN(PSI)**2  by  P0 , consequently
> COS(PSI)**2 = 1 - P0  and one refine P0
> If the geometry is much complicated (different scattering
> planes for different monochromators) "pol" should be
> calculated for the given
> geometry  by applying successively the known formula
> (see a book of electrodynamics, e.g.. Landau)
> Ej+1 = (Ej X u)Xu  and taking at the END: 
> |E(last)|**2 / |E0|**2     (X means
> vectorial product)
> where Ej is the electric field vector in the beam scattered
> j times and  u is the unit vector along the scattered
> beam j+1
> Best wishes,
> Nicolae Popa


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