Sorry about the confusion on the instrument configuration. I am new to
the field of x-ray diffraction. Hopefully this helps.
The Bruker D8 uses reflection geometry and a THETA : THETA goniometer,
where the x-ray source and detector can be move simultaneously on the
arms of the goniometer.  The x-ray source is Cu and is directed at a
Bruker multipurpose Si Gobel mirror which reflects a parallel beam of
Cu K-alpha (1&2) radiation at a 2-bounce Ge(022) analyzer crystal.  As
I understand it, the analyzer crystal filters our the K-alpha 2 peak,
producing monochromatic K-alpha 1radiation. There are no soller slits
on the primary side of the instrument. The beam is directed at the
specimen and the diffracted beam passes through a set of soller slits
and then to the point detector.

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 5:59 AM, Cline, James Dr. <> wrote:
> Patrick,
> ________________________________________
> From: Patrick Price []
> Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 6:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: Rietveld refinement in TOPAS with parallel beam geometry
> Since this is my first post I will start with a brief introduction. My
> name is Patrick Price and I am in my second year of graduate school.
> My thesis work involves the investigation of phase equilibria in
> perovskites.
> I am using a Bruker D8 Discover diffractometer with parallel beam
> geometry. The diffractometer has a Cu K-alpha X-Ray source with a Si
> Gobel mirror and a Ge monochromator giving a parallel beam
> monochromatic x-ray source.
> This instrument description doesn't make sense.
> Regards,
> Jim
>  The receiving side has Soller slits and a
> Tl-doped NaI point detector. I am trying to teach myself how to use
> TOPAS to PROPERLY analyze my data using Rietveld refinement
> techniques.
> I have recently taken a scan of the NIST line profile 660 LaB6
> standard followed by scans of my perovskite powders using a step size
> of 0.02 degrees and scan time of 4 seconds.
> Most of the articles I have read are specific to convergent/divergent
> beam geometries and I do not know how much of that information
> transfers to parallel beam geometries. If anyone could help me answer
> the following questions I would greatly appreciate it. These questions
> mainly address which parameters should be refined with the LaB6
> standard when using parallel beam geometry.
> 1.      I need to use the scan of the LaB6 powders to characterize the
> contributions of the instrument to the diffraction profile. Starting
> with the emission profile, TOPAS asks for the wavelength, the Area,
> and the Lorentz Half Width. First, I assume the wavelength I should be
> the more recent Cu Ka wavelength of 0.154059 nm instead of 0.154056
> nm. Second, does Cu Ka have a definite Lorentz HW and “Area” or should
> these parameters be refined with the LaB6 diffraction pattern?
> 2.      Since I have a Ge monochromater I assume the Lorentz polarization
> factor should be fixed at 27.3 (Is this correct?). Obviously the
> lattice parameters and atomic positions would be fixed.
> 3.       I read that you should NOT refine both the zero shift error and
> sample displacement, and since it is parallel beam I only refine the
> zero shift error. Should I refine surface roughness, absorption, or
> sample tilt with the LaB6? (Currently I do not refine these)
> 4.      Am I correct in assuming that I do not have any EQUITORIAL
> convolutions (e.g. from slits, FDS, beam spill, VDS) since it is
> parallel beam geometry? What about TUBE TAILS?
> 5.      I am using the Finger_et_al  method to refine the AXIAL
> convolutions, however I often get a large error associated with the S
> value (sample length), even when my GOF is decent (<1.45). Do any of
> you know why this would happen?
> 6.      Should I refine the “Scale” or scale factor. (Currently I do)
> 7.      IMPORTANT: Originally I was refining the crystallite size but it
> always refined to a very small value (~300nm), where as NIST claims
> 660 LAB6 should have a mean grain size of a few microns or more. I
> assume this happens because the TOPAS is accounting for instrument
> caused peak broadening by making the crystallite size smaller than it
> actually is in the software. However, when I do refine the grain size
> I do get a better fit. Should I leave this unchecked, refine it, or
> fix it at a reasonable value of ~2500 nm.
> In summary, currently I am only refining the Lorentz HW and “Area” in
> the emission profile, zero shift error, the Finger parameters (S & H),
> the scale factor, and nothing else.
> I am unsure if I should be refining anything else such as the
> crystallite size, tube tails and other forms of equatorial
> convergence, or if there is something else that is important which I
> am disregarding completely. I am also unsure if I am correct in
> refining Lorentz HW and area in the emission profile.
> Sorry if I got a little long winded; I just wanted to give enough
> detail so people could answer. Thank you in advance for your help.
> Patrick
> James P. Cline
> Ceramics Division
> National Institute of Standards and Technology
> 100 Bureau Dr. stop 8520 [ B113 / Bldg 217 ]
> Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8523    USA
> (301) 975 5793
> FAX (301) 975 5334

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