Hi Frank,
Thank you for your detailed explanations.
Really, I think so, this little workaround is useful to some topas users.
-------Message original-------
De : Frank Girgsdies
Date : 12/03/2010 10:15:22
A : Habib Boughzala;  Rietveld_l@ill.fr
Sujet : Re: Réf. : RE: Topas prm keyword
In the GUI mode, you simply initialize a parameter by entering
its name in into the grid on the "codes" tab, without the "=" sign!
This is equivalent to changing the line of code you've sent
Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O =oh; :  0.5 min =0; max =0.5
 beq  1
Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O oh; :  0.5 min =0; max =0.5;
beq  1
i.e. delete the "=" sign before the "oh".
Thus, I think there is no need to use the "prm" command
(or the launch mode) in your case.
However, there may be cases where it could be convenient to
declare a parameter separately. For example, I have a solid solution
series where all lattice parameters are a known function of
the stoichiometry parameter "X".
If I now want to do some restrictive fitting (instead of
four independent monoclinic lattice parameters I would
like to refine just "X"), then I can use the following workaround
to emulate something like the "prm" command in the GUI:
I simply add an additional dummy site to my structure phase.
Dummy site means that I may chose the name of the site and
the element freely, but set the occupancy to zero.
Now, I can use the x, y and z coordinates and the Beq as
"containers" for my parameters, because with zero occupancy,
the dummy atom will not contribute to the calculated intensities!
I enter the starting values for my parameter(s) in the "Values" tab
of the grid and the parameter name(s) in the "Codes" tab.
If a parameter is not to be refined, a "!" needs to precede
the parameter name.
Maybe this little workaround is useful to some of you.
I should add that this trick works in Topas version 3,
I'm not sure if it does with other versions...
Best wishes,
Habib Boughzala wrote:
> So,
> How to initialize a variable ?
> Cheers
> /-------Message original-------/
> /*De :*/ Kern, Arnt <mailto:arnt.k...@bruker-axs.de>
> /*Date :*/ 12/03/2010 09:05:03
> /*A :*/ 'ian.mad...@csiro.au' <mailto:ian.mad...@csiro.au>;
>  habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn <mailto:habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn>;
>  rietveld_l@ill.fr <mailto:rietveld_l@ill.fr>
> /*Sujet :*/ RE: Topas prm keyword
> The keyword "prm" is exclusive to so-called Launch Mode operation,
> please see also the Technical Reference manual.
> Cheers,
> Arnt
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* ian.mad...@csiro.au [mailto:ian.mad...@csiro.au]
> *Sent:* Freitag, 12. März 2010 08:53
> *To:* habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn; rietveld_l@ill.fr
> *Subject:* RE: Topas prm keyword
> Try  prm   not   Prm  (ie with all lower case letters)
> /Cheers/
> / /
> /o----------------------------oo0oo----------------------------o/
> /     Ian Madsen/
> /     Team Leader - Diffraction Science/
> /     CSIRO Process Science and Engineering/
> /     Box 312,  Clayton South 3169/
> /     Victoria,   AUSTRALIA/
> /     Phone +61 3 9545 8785 direct/
> /                 +61 3 9545 8500 switch/
> /                 +61 (0) 417 554 935 mobile/
> /     FAX    +61 3 9562 8919/
> /     Email //_____ian.mad...@csiro.au_/ <mailto:ian.mad...@csiro.au>/ /
> /o----------------------------oo0oo----------------------------o/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Habib Boughzala [mailto:habib.boughz...@ipein.rnu.tn]
> *Sent:* Friday, 12 March 2010 6:45 PM
> *To:* rietveld_l@ill.fr
> *Subject:* Topas prm keyword
> Hi,
> My mail is intended to Topas users, especially to Dr. Alan Coelho
> I am trying to determine the carbonate / hydroxide ratio in some compounds

> This is a part of 'str' block In the input file (*.inp)
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Str
> ....
>  Prm  oh  0.5
> ....
>   Site OH num_posns 4 x  0 y  0 z  0.315309 occ O =oh; :  0.5 min =0;
> max =0.5; beq  1
>   Site C num_posns 2 x  0 y  0 z  0 occ C =1 - 0.5 oh; :  1 min =0; max
> =0.5; beq  1
>   Site Oc num_posns 12 x  0.040114 y  0.953411 z  0.629971 occ O =(1 -
> 0.5 oh) / 3; :  1 min =0; max =0.25; beq  1
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Topas 4.2 run failed...  Error: prm command in unrecognised !!!
> Any suggestion ?
> P.S. This keyword is unrecognised too in all tutorials inp file examples
> Thanks for help
> Habib
> Prof. Habib Boughzala.
> *L*aboratoire de *M*atériaux et *C*ristallochimie.
> *A*ssociation *T*unisienne de *C*ristallographie
> I.P.E.I.N. Mrezga, 8000.
> Nabeul. Tunisie.
> Bruker AXS GmbH, Karlsruhe
> HRB 107524 Amtsgericht Mannheim, Umsatzsteuer-Ident.Nr. DE812037551,
> Geschäftsführer - Dr. Frank Burgäzy, Bernard Kolodziej, Stephan Franz
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