As some people from the PRC reported that they can't see the files at Google 
due to Govern-Mental restrictions I put them into the SDPD-group folder:

Restraints are everywhere!-) 

Leonid A. Solovyov
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
660049, K. Marx 42, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

 From: Leonid Solovyov <>
To: "" <> 
Cc: "" <> 
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2013 2:22 PM
Subject: [sdpd] Unrestrained SDPD future

Dear colleagues,

Since the restrained SDPD future has been announced in the respective list 
without a chance to go back:
It's my turn to put forward an alternative unrestrained variant that seems a 
bit more interesting and not so hopeless, IMHO.
This variant consists in a more accurate approach to the experiment and the 
modeling instead of compensating the inaccuracy by restraints.

In the discussion of the restrained Rietveld:
proposed as an instance of the SDPD future trend, I presented an unrestrained 
variant of the refinement:
and noted that Future improvements are possible if one exerts further efforts 
to the sample preparation, measurements and the refinement model adjustment.
Spending an extra couple of hours for the data analysis, an additional 
micro-admixture has been identified whose inclusion into the model resulted in 
further notable improvements of the structure geometry:
Characteristic distances and their expectations:
Pos.    Dist.   Exp.
Co-O1  1.92(2)  1.91
Co-O2  1.94(2)  1.91
Co-N1  1.98(1)  1.96
Co-N2  1.95(2)  1.96
Co-N3  1.92(2)  1.96
Co-N4  1.99(1)  1.96
C1-O1  1.31(4)  1.32
C1-O2  1.34(4)  1.32
C1-O3  1.25(3)  1.23
N5-O4  1.27(3)  1.24
N5-O5  1.23(3)  1.24
N5-O6  1.25(3)  1.24
All distances and intramolecular angles are in agreement with the expected 
values within their uncertainties. Future improvements are still possible, 
being determined mostly by the sample preparation and measurements now.

Of course, in REALLY complex and HOPELESS cases a minimal number of constraints 
may be imposed if the refinement convergence of atomic positions is REALLY 
impossible without them. In the above example, rigid constraints were imposed 
on H-atoms, which is, though, not always necessary.

The use of soft restraints should be avoided as much as possible since a 
generally acceptable methodology of their safe application has not been 
developed yet.

Best unrestrained regards,

Leonid A. Solovyov
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
660049, K. Marx 42, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

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