How much mismatch?  If you're getting a good profile fit, I'd be inclined
to doubt that it is a consequence of preferred orientation.  You could mix
your sample with another material (corundum powder, cork) to try to reduce
the degree of preferred orientation, and see if that makes a difference.

Instead of a Le Bail fit, you could try a full Rietveld to see if the
powder really is the same phase as the single crystal.  One could also
imagine that a powder would be more facile in exchanging solvent with the
environment, which could affect lattice parameters.

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Breogan Pato Doldan <>wrote:

> Dear rietvelders,
> I have carried out the single crystal resolution and the PXRD Le Bail
> refinement of a Metal Organic Framework.
> The compound crystalizes as needles and there is a clear in-plane
> preferred orientation along the c-axis.
> There is a mismatch between the single crystal and the Le Bail refinement
> data in the lattice parameter c.
> Could this mismatch be due to the preferred orientations?
> Regards,
> Breogán Pato Doldán,
> Fundamental Chemistry Department.
> Faculty of Sciences. University of A Coruña
> Rúa da Fraga 10, 15008, A Coruña. Spain.
> Tel: +34 981167000 ext. 2061
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Peter W. Stephens
Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Associate Dean for Curriculum, College of Arts and Sciences
Stony Brook University
(631) 632-8156
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