
We are pleased to announce a staff scientist job opening within the X-ray 
Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory's Advanced Photon Source.

This Assistant Chemist position will design, develop and conduct research 
programs related to structural studies of materials using the X-ray scattering 
techniques powder diffraction and pair-distribution-function (PDF) analysis.  
The role will call for collaborative research with internal and external 
research scientists,  support of user experiments, principally at 17-BM (powder 
diffraction), but also at other beamlines in the Structural Sciences group as 
needed, and initiate research activities in the areas of materials for energy 
generation, storage, conversion, and sustainability.

Full details and job requirements can be found here:

More information on Structural Sciences group operated beamlines can be found 

Please pass this on to anyone who may be interested.

Greg Halder

Gregory J. Halder, Ph.D.
X-ray Science Division
Advanced Photon Source, Bldg. 433/D006
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne IL 60439
Tel: 630 252 7233
Fax: 630 252 0361<>

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