
The XRD profile (spectrum) does not only depend on the geometry type, but
also width of both slits (primary divergence and secondary anti-scatter),
symmetric (the same at the primary and secondary part) or non-symmetric
solers, the use of any additional optical elements (e.g., we use radial
soler instead of the secondary slit), type of detector (the "detector
slit" of the zero-dimensional detector does not have the same physical
meaning as the corresponding window of the position-sensitive detector).
You cannot hold the B-B geometry in the reflection mode when you go to
transmission mode - that is why the second one is used to observe
reflections that are not seen (or barely seen) in the previous mode. Peak
shape, including its width, would - in some cases - also be different, but
peak intensity would especially be affected (in many cases).

I would use LaB6 and silicon standards (of NIST SRM) instead of
corrections to check the geometry.

I'm not an expert in terms of grazing incidence, but I'm pretty sure that
is gives much different information, as this is more textural information.

> Dear Rietvelders
> Does analysis done in Bragg Brentano geometry holds for other geometries
> and XRD techniques providing one have diffracted peaks?
> Are there corrections needed to apply between methods.
> Say Sheher formula. Dose it holds for peaks reflecting using in-plan
> grazing incident reflections experiment or it needs to be corrected?
> Thank you from advance
> Shay
> --
> _________________________________________________
> Dr. Shay Tirosh
> Institute for Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials
> Bar Ilan University
> Ramat Gan, 52900
> Israel
> Phone: +972-(0)30-531-7320
> Mobile: +972-(0)54-8834533
> Email: stiro...@gmail.com
> _________________________________________________

Łukasz Kruszewski, Ph.D., adjunct
Polish Academy of Sciences
Institute of Geological Sciences
X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory (coordinator)
Twarda 51/55 str.
00-818 Warsaw
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