Deadline 1 December 2014 for the PANalytical Award

The PANalytical Award seeks to encourage and provide support for excellent 
young scientists at the beginning of their careers. The award recognizes 
and praises groundbreaking research that required the use of a laboratory 
X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence or X-ray scattering instrument as 
the primary analytical technique. There is no limitation to any brand of 
The award will be made to the first author of a publication that was 
published in print between 1 January 2013 and 1 December 2014 and it 
consists of a ? 5000,- cash prize, a trophy and a certificate. 
For more information and the submission procedure please refer to
Questions may be directed to
With kind regards / met vriendelijke groeten
Sybille Franken - Corporate Marketing & Communications 
PANalytical B.V. 
Lelyweg 1 (7602 EA) 
PO Box 13 
7600 AA Almelo 
The Netherlands 
CoC Registration No. 06069492, Enschede, The Netherlands 
T   +31 546 534 386
F   +31 546 534 598


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----- Forwarded by Sybille Franken/PEARLS/PANalytical on 10/11/2014 14:48 

Date:   02/07/2014 13:09
Subject:        Fw: 3rd PANalytical Award open for submissions
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Dear Rietvelders, 

The PANalytical Award was launched two years ago with the aim of providing 
an incentive to exceptional early-career scientists that use laboratory 
scale X-ray analytical techniques. 

I am very happy to inform you that the second edition of the award was won 
by Ms. Ana Cuesta for the publication entitled: "Structure, Atomistic 
Simulations, and Phase Transition of Stoichiometric Yeelimite" [Chemistry 
of Materials, 2013, 25, 1680-1687.] 
(more information is available at:

The 5 adjudicators on the Selection Committee for this PANalytical Award 

1. Prof. Dr. Christian Lehmann (Head of department Chemical 
Crystallography and Electron Microscopy at the Max-Planck-Institut für 
Kohlenforschung, Mülheim, Germany) 
2. Prof. Guru Row (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India) 
3. Prof. Hamid Garmistani (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, 
and on behalf of PANalytical: 
4.  Dr. Paul Fewster (X-ray Development Scientist) 
5.  Dr. Thomas Dortmann (X-ray Diffraction Product Specialist) 

The PANalytical Award competition is run on a yearly basis. Entries for 
this year's PANalytical Award may now be submitted with closing date 1 
December 2014.  To submit an entry, please go to: 

Some salient points to be aware of: 
i) The award is open to all workers in the field of laboratory-scale X-ray 
analytical techniques that have never held a professorship. 
ii) The prize is awarded in recognition of groundbreaking research that 
demonstrates a high level of creative thought. 
iii) Entries are in the form of a research publication, published in print 
between 1 January 2013 and 1 December 2014, with the first author of the 
publication recognised as the entrant. 
iv) No limitation is placed on the manufacturer of the equipment that is 
used to perform the research. 
v) The closing date for entries is 1 December 2104. 

We look forward to another dynamic competition. 

Best wishes 
Sybille Franken, on behalf of the PANalytical Award team

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