Dear Colleague,

For those of you who wish to submit an abstract for a poster or
short talk to the Conference part of the School and Conference
on Analysis of Diffraction Data in real-space (ADD2016), please
note that we have been able to extend the abstract deadline to:

      Sunday evening 31 January 2016

Note also that there are still time slots in the programme available
for short talks (meaning 20 min + 5 min questions) during the
Conference part of ADD2016 (9 to 11 March 2016), and of course
poster contributions are welcome as well.

More information can be found at:

under the tab "Abstract Submission".  Please fill out the LaTeX template
with your abstract text, and then email this to

Thank you for your interest in ADD2016, and see you soon in Grenoble!

 The organizers:
    Michela Brunelli (SNBL/ESRF)
    Gabriel Cuello (ILL)
    Henry Fischer (ILL)
    Gavin Vaughan (ESRF)

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