Thanks Henk (and Bob). It's a story that must be quite common in science.
Humans like to simplify, and identify with heros. Humanity teaches us that
we stand on the shoulders of others. Few discoveries, especially in
science, are made by a single individual.

Profile Refinement was perhaps an idea "whose time had come" with the
application of computers. But the stroke of genius was to refine the
structure directly from the data points, rather than first refine structure
factors. Even that may have been simply because computers at that time
could only handle a limited number of parameters.

A fascinating story. Alan.

On 9 August 2018 at 12:32, <> wrote:

> Bob van Laar and I wrote an article about the development of the powder
> Profile Refinement at the Reactor Centre Netherlands. This method is later
> called Rietveld refinement. We show that there were three persons involved
> in this enterprise, Bert Loopstra for the idea, Bob van Laar for the
> mathematical treatment and Hugo Rietveld for the computer program, rather
> than one. For all users of the method it will be interesting to read.
> The article (Acta Cryst. (2018). A74, 88-92) is Open Access and can be
> downloaded from:
> ib5058.pdf
> At the moment it is the most read article of Acta Cryst. A of the last 6
> months:
> Kind greetings,
> Henk Schenk
*   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE *
<> +33.476.98.41.68
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